Humbert Sandheaver

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Humbert Sandheaver
Image of Humbert Sandheaver
Gender Male
Race Hobbit
Region Bree-land
Area The Horsefields
Landmark Festival Grounds
Map Ref [24.5S, 51.4W]


Humbert Sandheaver is found in the Festival Grounds within the Horsefields.

Quest Involvement


"Oh, I'm sorry, there's no pie-eating contest today."
"I'm sorry, there's no pie-eating contest today. Pop by tomorrow, we might have one then!"
"We're completely out of pies, I'm sorry to say, so no contest today!"
"Ah, you still have a bit of pie on your face there...."
"Well, well, If it isn't Bree's resident pie-eating champion!"
"Come back for more, eh? Sorry...only one prize per contestant."
"Good day to you as well!"